Hello Students and Parents


Updated 8-21-2017

We will be starting school soon and I am looking forward to working with you in Study Skills.  Below is some useful information for getting organized for my class and schoolwork.

Guardians and Students please go to the myDSD portal and Login to my class to sign my disclosure at http://mydsd.davis.k12.ut.us/Account/Login

Here are some things you can do at home to support our program:

**We encourage our students to plan ahead.  To support this, please take 10 minutes every weekend to share plans for the upcoming week with your student.  This should be a reciprocal conversation and everyone should make notes on their planners/agendas.  Topics to discuss include upcoming tests, projects and assignments whose due dates are approaching.  Also any appointments and family activities for the coming week.

**Set up a 1″ three ring binder with pockets on the inside covers.  Add Avery Binder Pockets for each individual class your student has (these will hold handouts etc.) and add 20-30 pages of loose-leaf notebook paper behind the last folder at the back of the binder. You will use these notebook papers to write notes and other class information as necessary.  You can then place them behind the folder for that class.  Label the front binder pocket “Homework” and the back pocket “miscellaneous.” Label one folder for each class so papers are not accidentally put in the wrong place.

**Set up a paper station at home to file your school papers.  This can be a file box, or a drawer in a desk.  Place folders labeled with each one of your student’s classes in the box.  Store binder overflow, quizzes, and tests in these file folders.  Do not throw papers away until after the final grade has been received in each class. These papers will serve as a study guide for unit tests or final exams and can help verify work that has been completed and turned in for credit.

See you soon!

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